Optomed on Financial Times 1000 fastest-growing companies list in Europe
Financial Times published an annual list of Europe’s fastest growing companies in April this year.
Through this ranking Financial Times identifies companies which contribute exceptionally to economic growth. Only companies of a certain size could qualify for the list and their revenue increases were mainly generated by organic sales over a period of several years. The criteria for the list are a revenue of at least 100 000 euros in 2013 and 1.5 million in 2016, independent company status, and headquarters in Europe. Few candidates met these strict criteria and Optomed was one of the six Finnish companies in the list.
Optomed’s CAGR (compound annual growth rate) was 49,9% and absolute revenue growth 237%. Number of personnel grew from 25 persons to 73 and revenue was 6,4 million euros in 2016.
Further information: https://ig.ft.com/ft-1000/2018/